Quantum Computing is a radically different way computers will work but how will this affect software developers and programmers? Will programming change radically too?
Don't worry, the programming follows the same rules and is not some weird ethereal magical stuff that you imagine when thinking about quantum physics. But instead of bits, Woodford brings out that information will be stored as quantum bits also known as qubits.
Q# is a new quantum computing computer language by Microsoft that Paz (2017) infers is used for expressing quantum algorithms. He also mentions that because quantum processors are not widely available, Q# subroutines execute on a simulator.
In fact, you can start using the Q# programming language on Visual Studio 2017 and later as demonstrated by Mahesh Chand (2018).
As technology develops rapidly, programming will continue to be the bedrock of systems and the rules by which we program won't change any time soon especially if even in quantum computing, programming functions on the same principles.
1. Woodford, C. (2018) Quantum Computing [online] Available from: https://www.explainthatstuff.com/quantum-computing.html [Accessed 23 December 2018]
2. Paz, A. (2017) The Q# Programming Language [online]Available from: https//docs.microsoft.com/en-us/quantum/language/?view=qsharp-preview [Accessed 23 December]
3. Chand, M. (2018) Getting Started with Q# Programming [online] Available from: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/getting-started-with-q-programming/ [Accessed 23 December 2018]